Summer Financial Aid
General Information
Tuition/fees are charged on a per-credit basis for classes and field session. View the 2024-2025 Tuition/Fee Schedule page 2 for undergraduates and page 4 for graduates, to calculate your charges. Some field sessions have different fees; check with your department for your field session costs.
Summer is part of the 2024-2025 FAFSA year. There are 4 types of summer financial aid available:
Grants: You may be eligible for additional Pell grant based on your 2024-2025 FAFSA.
Federal Loans: Student (subsidized/unsubsidized) and parent PLUS loans may be available if you are enrolled at least half-time (6 credits undergraduate/4.5 credits graduate) over the course of the summer. For example, if you are taking 3 credits in session I and 3 credits in session II, you are enrolled in a total of 6 summer credits so you could be eligible for federal loans. Federal student loans have annual limits meaning the amount your are eligible to receive in the summer is impacted by your fall/spring loans. Parents of dependent students can apply for PLUS loans to cover summer expenses, including living expenses, by completing a new 2024-2025 PLUS loan application at The loan period is May through August for the 2025 summer session.
Mines Loans: Mines has some loans to help students with the cost of summer tuition. Loans are offered in order of expected graduation to students who are taking field session and have completed the summer aid request form. For example, students graduating in December will be considered for a Mines loan before students graduating in May. Mines loans generally begin repayment 9 months after graduation and have a 10 year repayment term. The interest rate is fixed at 5%.
Private Loans: Students are eligible to apply for private education loans to pay for summer expenses, including living expenses. Summer private loans are their own term and cannot be combined with another term. For example, you cannot apply for a loan for 2025 summer and 2025 fall together. The loan period is May through August for the 2025 summer session.
Incoming students who are starting their first Mines classes in the summer are able to use some forms of federal financial aid to assist with costs. Incoming students would need a 2024-2025 FAFSA; this is a different application than the 2025-2026 FAFSA used for fall/spring financial aid. You should complete the summer aid request and/or email so we can assess your eligibility for summer aid.
How to Apply for Aid
You must notify the Financial Aid Office of your need for summer financial aid through the online request form linked above. The Summer Aid Request is available in early April at the same time summer registration opens. The form will be linked in the Daily Blast and in the Important Information section of the Trailhead Financial Aid card. You must be enrolled in summer credits and have a current year FAFSA on file prior to submitting the form.
There are three factors used to prioritize summer aid request forms:
Graduation Date: Students graduating soonest are evaluated first
Type of Course: Students in field session are given priority because it is only offered in summer
Date of Summer Aid Request Submission: Aid is offered on a first-come first-served basis after the other factors
How Summer Aid Works
Billing: The Bursar’s office will post your bill on Trailhead for your full summer enrollment and email you when that bill is available. If you enroll in more credits after the first bill, check your “my account page” in Trailhead for updated charges. Bills are due the day after census; please view the summer calendar(above) for more information. Please email with questions about billing and due dates.
Financial Aid Payments: Your financial aid, including loans, will pay to your student account 3 days prior to your first day of attendance in the summer term. For example, if you start summer attendance in June, your financial aid will pay in June, not in May when the bill is posted. If you borrow a loan that includes extra funds for living expenses, refunds can be requested after your first day of class.
Withdrawing from Summer: Financial Aid impacts for withdrawing from summer is not the same as withdrawing from a traditional term. Please contact our office directly to discuss your specific enrollment and financial aid impacts.
Summer Study Abroad and Faculty Led Programs
Most financial aid for summer is in the form of loans. You may use any remaining fall/spring federal loan eligibility toward summer if you are enrolled at least half-time. Private education loans and parent PLUS loans are available to use in the summer as well. If you will be taking credits at Mines AND going abroad in the summer, please complete the summer aid application above as well as the following steps.
To request financial aid for study abroad experiences during the summer term, you must:
- Have applied to, and been approved by, Mines Education Abroad (visit to apply)
- Be participating in a Faculty-Led study Abroad Program, where you are charged Mines Tuition at the Study Abroad Faculty-Led Tuition rate and be enrolled in at least 6 credits
- Reach out to the financial aid office directly with your study abroad plan by emailing by May 1st. Summer study abroad requires personal attention by the financial aid office; it is not an automatic process.
Contact Info
Mailing address:
Colorado School of Mines
Financial Aid Office
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401
Office Location:
Ben Parker Student Center, E160
1200 16th St
Golden, CO 80401
Walk-In Hours:
Monday through Friday
9am - 4pm
Toll-free: 1-888-446-9489
For scholarship questions, email
More information:
For billing issues contact: Bursar's Office 303-273-3158
For health insurance waivers contact: Student Health Insurance 303-273-3388
For College Opportunity Fund contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200
For information on Veteran Affairs contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200