Keeping Your Financial Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must meet minimum requirements to maintain scholarship and financial aid eligibility.  View your requirements below.


You must maintain a minimum 2.500 cumulative GPA to renew your scholarship.  Foundation scholarships, Colorado Scholars athletic and ROTC awards may have other requirements; check the scholarship portal, your award letter or the awarding department for details.  Additional information on your scholarship may also be available on Maintaining Scholarships page.

If you are in your final semester at Mines, you must be at least a half-time student to keep your scholarship for that semester.  The amount may be adjusted; contact the Scholarship Office for information specific to your scholarship.

Financial Aid evaluates your scholarship academic progress in May after spring grades are posted.  If you do not meet the minimum requirements you will be notified that your scholarship eligibility has been terminated and cannot be regained through improved academic performance.  The only way to reinstate your scholarship is through a successful appeal to the Financial Aid appeals committee. Approval will be based on the circumstances that prevented you from performing at your potential, such as personal illness or family difficulties as well as your plan to mitigate these effects in the future.

Complete the appeal process by submitting your personal statement and any supporting documentation in OnBase.

Undergraduate Financial Aid

A student must make satisfactory progress toward the completion of their course of study in order to maintain eligibility for financial aid in future semesters. It is important to note that scholarships may have their own standards.  The satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standing is set at the end of each semester, including summer, once grades are finalized by the Registrar’s office. An undergraduate student may be in good academic standing with the institution, as outlined in the CSM Bulletin, but be placed on financial aid warning or termination.  It is important for the student to understand both policies. To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid a student must:

  • maintain adequate pace toward graduation.  Students will be required to always maintain a 67% credit hour completion rate.  Pace is measured by dividing the overall credit hours passed by the overall credit hours attempted.  Transfer hours DO NOT count toward attempted and completed credit hours. Example – A student who has attempted 100 credit hours and has passed 80 of those credit hours would be meeting this requirement.  This student’s pace would be calculated at 80%; they have completed 80% of credit hours attempted.  Likewise a student who has attempted 100 credits and has passed 50 due to withdrawing, failing or receiving incomplete grades in courses would not be meeting SAP due to a 50% pace rate toward graduation. NOTE: The pace requirement was updated to 67% as of Fall 2024. The minimum pace requirement prior to Fall 2024 was 75%.
  • always achieve and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.000 (we go out 3 decimal places)
  • complete all course work for graduation within 150% of the minimum graduation requirement for your program. Please visit the undergraduate catalog for information on credit hours to complete for your program. Transfer credits DO NOT count toward the maximum attempted credits.

Financial Aid Warning:  If a student does not meet either of the first two requirements, they will receive a warning notification via their Mines e-mail and will have one additional semester of eligibility in which to return to satisfactory standing. This is the student’s warning semester. If the student has not returned to satisfactory standing after this additional semester, they will be terminated from further financial aid until the satisfactory progress standards are met.  See below for further details.

Financial Aid Termination:  If a student does not meet the third requirement or has not returned to satisfactory standing after their warning semester, they will be immediately terminated from financial aid eligibility.

To regain eligibility – Probation:   When mitigating circumstances occur, such as prolonged illness, a death in the immediate family, etc., the student may appeal in writing to the Office of Financial Aid through the Appeal Workflow. Steps will be emailed to the student as part of their termination notification. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will act on the appeal in a timely manner, and if approved, financial aid eligibility may be reinstated for one additional probation semester after which the student must return to satisfactory standing.  The student will be eligible to receive financial aid for the probationary semester. The Office of Financial Aid may also require an academic plan that must be followed if returning to good standing is not possible in one semester’s time.  A student may appeal the termination of eligibility only twice during his or her career at Mines. If mitigating circumstances do not exist and/or the appeal is denied, the student may secure alternative funding until the satisfactory academic requirements (see above) have once again been met.  We recommend that students register in at least 6 credit hours at Mines per semester when selecting this option.  If you have received any student or parent PLUS loan funding in the past, the lenders require students to be in at least part-time attendance to keep the loans in deferment.

Calculation Information 

  • All students will be evaluated each term, regardless of whether they receive a financial aid award.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Financial Aid Office of any grade changes, including a grade of incomplete, that could impact their SAP status.  The student’s status will be re-evaluated once the Financial Aid Office is made aware of the change.
  • Transfer credits are NOT included in the Pace calculation (as of Fall 2024), and excluded in the GPA calculation.
  • Repeat courses are counted in both the Pace and GPA calculations.  The Registrar’s office manages the grade replacement policy.
  • A student’s SAP status does not change when a student pursues a new major.
  • Students pursuing a second Bachelor’s degree are evaluated based on the undergraduate SAP policy; the SAP status does not reset with a new Bachelor’s degree.
  • Upon completion of an undergraduate degree program and enrollment in a graduate degree program, students will begin a new SAP status of “pass”, e.g. BS to MS program.
  • Courses dropped prior to census will not be included in the Pace calculation.
  • Courses dropped after census will be included in the Pace calculation, whether it be one course or a complete semester withdrawal.

Maximum Time Frame

  • Transfer credits are included in the maximum time frame calculation.
  • Undergraduates pursuing a double major are expected to graduate within the maximum time frame.
Graduate Financial Aid

A student must make satisfactory progress toward the completion of his or her course of study in order to maintain eligibility for financial aid in future semesters. A student is considered to be making satisfactory progress if they:

  • achieve and maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.000 at the end of each semester
  • maintain adequate pace toward graduation. Students will be required to maintain a 67% credit hours completion rate at all times. Pace is measured by dividing the overall credit hours passed by the overall credit hours attempted.  Example – A student who has attempted 100 credit hours and has passed 80 of those credit hours would be meeting this requirement.  This student’s pace would be calculated at 80%.  They have successfully completed 80% of the hours he/she has attempted. Likewise, a student who has attempted 100 credits and has passed 50 due to withdrawing, receiving F or PRU grades, or receiving incomplete grades in courses would not be meeting SAP due to a 50% pace rate toward graduation. NOTE: The pace requirement was updated to 67% as of Fall 2024. The minimum pace requirement prior to Fall 2024 was 75%.

As stated in the CSM Graduate Grading SystemPRG and NC grades count toward successful passed credits. Upon completion of a graduate degree program and enrollment in another degree program, students will begin a new SAP status of “pass”, e.g. MS to PhD program.

Financial Aid Warning:  If a student does not meet either of the requirements, they will receive a warning notification email, via Mines email address, and will have one additional semester of eligibility in which to return to satisfactory standing. If the student has not returned to satisfactory standing after this additional semester, they will be terminated from further financial aid until the satisfactory progress standards are met.

Financial Aid Termination:  If a student does not return to satisfactory standing after being on warning, eligibility for further financial aid will be immediately terminated.

To regain eligibility – Probation:  When mitigating circumstances occur, such as prolonged illness, a death in the immediate family, etc., the student may appeal in writing to the Office of Financial Aid. The Appeals Committee will act on the appeal in a timely manner, and if approved, financial aid eligibility may be reinstated for one additional probation semester after which the student must have returned to satisfactory standing. The student will be eligible to receive financial aid for the probationary semester. The Office of Financial Aid may also require an academic plan that must be followed if returning to good standing is not possible in one semester’s time.  A student may appeal the termination of eligibility only twice during his or her career at Mines. If mitigating circumstances do not exist and/or the appeal is denied, the student may secure alternative funding until the satisfactory academic requirements (see above) have once again been met.  We recommend that students register in at least 4.5 credit hours (4 credit hours if reduced registration eligible) at Mines per semester when selecting this option. If you have received any student or parent PLUS loan funding in the past, the lenders require students to be in at least part-time attendance to keep the loans in deferment.

Calculation Information 

  • All students will be evaluated each term, regardless of whether they receive a financial aid award.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Financial Aid Office of any grade changes, including a grade of incomplete, that could impact their SAP status.  The student’s status will be re-evaluated once the Financial Aid Office is made aware of the change.
  • Transfer credits are no longer included in the Pace calculation (as of fall 2024), but excluded in the GPA calculation.
  • Repeat courses are counted in both the Pace and GPA calculations.  Grade replacement policy is maintained by the Registrar’s office.
  • A student’s SAP status does not change when a student pursues a new major.
  • Upon completion of one degree program and enrollment in a next level graduate degree program, students will begin a new SAP status of “pass”, e.g. MS to PhD program.
  • Courses dropped prior to census will not be included in the Pace calculation.
  • Courses dropped after census will be included in the Pace calculation, whether it be one course or a complete semester withdrawal.

Maximum Time Frame

  • Transfer credits are included in the maximum time frame calculation.
  • Undergraduates pursuing a double major are expected to graduate within the maximum time frame of their undergraduate program.

Contact Info

Mailing address:
Colorado School of Mines
Financial Aid Office
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Office Location:
Ben Parker Student Center, E160
1200 16th St
Golden, CO 80401 

Walk-In Hours:
Monday through Friday
9am - 4pm

Toll-free: 1-888-446-9489

For scholarship questions, email

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More information:

For billing issues contact: Bursar's Office 303-273-3158

For health insurance waivers contact: Student Health Insurance 303-273-3388

For College Opportunity Fund contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200

For information on Veteran Affairs contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200