Scholarships and Adjustment to Financial Aid
A note about the taxation of scholarships: Scholarships received that exceed your total cost of tuition and required fees, books, and educationally related supplies and equipment are subject to federal income tax. Scholarships, fellowships or grants that are designated for room and board, transportation, and personal expenses may be taxable as income. Keep your receipts and copies of university bills. Questions regarding taxation of scholarships should be addressed to the local IRS office where you can obtain IRS Publication 970.
Contact Info
Mailing address:
Colorado School of Mines
Financial Aid Office
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401
Office Location:
Ben Parker Student Center, E160
1200 16th St
Golden, CO 80401
Walk-In Hours:
Monday through Friday
9am - 4pm
Toll-free: 1-888-446-9489
For scholarship questions, email
More information:
For billing issues contact: Bursar's Office 303-273-3158
For health insurance waivers contact: Student Health Insurance 303-273-3388
For College Opportunity Fund contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200
For information on Veteran Affairs contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200