Important Information for Current Students

How do I apply for Financial Aid?

Click here to learn how aid works.  Colorado School of Mines uses the results of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine a student’s Financial Aid Package.  

How do I view and accept my Federal Student Loans?

Loans must be accepted every year through Trailhead.

  1. Log onto Mines Trailhead
  2. Click on Financial Aid (blue left-hand toolbar or puzzle piece icon).
  3. Select View Awards in green awards section.
  4. View and accept Terms and Conditions Tab
  5. Click on Accept Award Offer (Terms and conditions must be accepted first!)
How can I find out which Financial Aid documents I am missing?
  1. Log onto Mines Trailhead
  2. Click on Financial Aid (blue left-hand toolbar or puzzle piece icon).
  3. Select Requirements in blue requirements section.
How do I accept the PLUS loan? (Parent or Graduate)

Plus loans cannot be accepted through Trailhead.  Parents or Graduate students must pass a credit check each year.  To apply for a parent PLUS loan:

  1. Login to (parents must login with their FSA ID)
  2. Apply for PLUS Loan: parents must select a Parent PLUS loan.
  3. Specify a term for the loan: for fall and spring semesters, the term is August to May.  
  4. First-time borrowers must also complete a PLUS master promissory note (MPN) on  Parents must complete a Parent PLUS promissory note.  
Is it too late to accept my loans?

Loans must be accepted and processed prior to the end of the term for which you are enrolled.  Federal loans will take an average of ten working days to process once all documents are complete. Optional/Alternative loans can take up to four weeks to process.  The financial aid office cancels federal student loan offers by October 1 and March 1.  If you need your federal student loan and it is not available to accept in Trailhead, contact the Financial Aid office to reinstate the offer.  Student’s must be at least half-time (6 credits undergrad, 4.5 credits graduate) to receive federal loans.

How do I waive my health insurance?

If you have health coverage through another source, you will be able to waive your health insurance using Self-Service through Trailhead.  Click here for information regarding health insurance through Mines.

My cost of attendance includes an amount for room and board, but I won't be living on campus?

The Cost of Attendance budget includes the cost of living and attending Mines.  You will not be charged for room and board unless you live in Mines housing.  The room/board component of your cost of attendance budget allows you to receive financial aid that can be refunded to you for living expenses to pay for off-campus housing. 

I do not have enough money to pay for school. Where can I find out about other resources?

Your financial aid counselor is your best resource to determine what funds are available for you.  Before you consider additional loan funds, consult with your financial aid counselor to determine if you are eligible for other aid. 

How do I establish Colorado Residency for tuition purposes?

The Mines Admissions Office makes the initial determination of a student’s residency status for tuition purposes.  After a student is enrolled, the Registrar’s Office is responsible for residency decisions.  The determination of residency is generally based on the student’s intent to make his or her permanent domicile in Colorado, not simply to obtain the lower, in-state tuition rate.  The decision on whether or not to grant residency is based in part on parental support of the student.  The amount of support a student may receive is extremely low and includes funds borrowed on their behalf, e.g. PLUS loans. Read more about in-state tuition classification.

What if I get Colorado residency - am I automatically emancipated (self-supporting) for financial aid?

Even though a parent may declare the student emancipated as part of the residency qualification process, this does not automatically meet the federal and Mines requirements for a student to be considered self-supporting.  Generally parent information is still required on the FAFSA.

Contact Info

Mailing address:
Colorado School of Mines
Financial Aid Office
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Office Location:
Ben Parker Student Center, E160
1200 16th St
Golden, CO 80401 

Walk-In Hours:
Monday through Friday
9am - 4pm

Toll-free: 1-888-446-9489

For scholarship questions, email

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Students Right to Know

More information:

For billing issues contact: Bursar's Office 303-273-3158

For health insurance waivers contact: Student Health Insurance 303-273-3388

For College Opportunity Fund contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200

For information on Veteran Affairs contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200