Undergraduate Cost of Attendance

Colorado School of Mines

Understanding Cost of Attendance for Undergraduates

The tables below detail the Cost of Attendance (including tuition and fees) figures for an undergraduate Colorado School of Mines student for the current school year. The figures in the chart will be revised for the next school year after the Board of Trustees meeting in June, when the new rates for tuition and fees are approved.

The Cost of Attendance is a comprehensive budget, encompassing all the financial aspects of your life during the academic year. Some components of this budget, like tuition, mandatory fees, and the rates for housing and food (meal plans) when living on campus, are directly charged by Colorado School of Mines. These charges will appear on your bill.

In addition to these university-related expenses, there are other costs you’ll incur individually throughout the school year. These include books, course materials, and allowances for personal expenses and transportation. These are collectively referred to as “living expenses.”

The key benefit of including these allowances is that you can use your financial aid to help cover these “living expenses.” The inclusion in the Cost of Attendance ensures that you have the necessary funds to manage all the facets of your college life beyond just tuition and fees. The Cost of Attendance serves as your financial guide, addressing both university charges and the various expenses you’ll encounter as you pursue your education.

The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is not automatically included in your Cost of Attendance. If you plan to enroll in SHIP, let us know so we can include it for you. This will allow financial aid to cover that expense.

If your Cost of Attendance doesn’t accurately reflect your expenses, or you have one-time expenses like for a computer, Financial Aid can update your budget for reasonable additional costs. Complete a Budget Review Request through the button below if you would like your budget to be reviewed. Increasing your Cost of Attendance allows you to borrow additional funds to cover these expenses, it will not influence your grant or scholarship eligibility.

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance: Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
TotalThis is the "full" price, before any aid and includes all budget items listed below.$43,801$43,549
Estimated Direct Expenses
This is the cost the school charges for instruction. This number is for 15-19 credits.
Mandatory fees help fund student clubs, organizations, and the student recreation center. This fee covers your unlimited access to the gym, fitness classes, and student organization events.
Housing/Food Allowance
For on-campus students, this allowance represents a double dorm room and an average meal plan. For off-campus students, this is an average amount for the 9 month school year.
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books, Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
This out-of-pocket expense can vary depending on the classes the student takes.
Personal Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense covers things like entertainment, clothes, and other personal items.
Transportation Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense is for transportation to/from campus and costs to travel once on campus.
Loan Fees
This represents the origination fee federal student loans charge.
Per Credit Hour$631 (after COF)

*The tuition figure listed takes the College Opportunity Fund into account.  Do not subtract the College Opportunity Fund allowance from this figure.

Resident tuition rates only apply to students who meet guidelines as established under Colorado Residency Statutes (23-7-101 Legislative Declaration).

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance: Non-Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
TotalThis is the "full" price, before any aid and includes all budget items listed below.$67,711$67,459
Estimated Direct Expenses
This is the cost the school charges for instruction. This number is for 15-19 credits.
Mandatory fees help fund student clubs, organizations, and the student recreation center. This fee covers your unlimited access to the gym, fitness classes, and student organization events.
Housing/Food Allowance
For on-campus students, this allowance represents a double dorm room and an average meal plan. For off-campus students, this is an average amount for the 9 month school year.
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books, Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
This out-of-pocket expense can vary depending on the classes the student takes.
Personal Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense covers things like entertainment, clothes, and other personal items.
Transportation Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense is for transportation to/from campus and costs to travel once on campus.
Loan Fees
This represents the origination fee federal student loans charge.
Per Credit Hour$1,428
Fees: The allowance for fees is based on the mandatory fees charged to all Colorado School of Mines students, and does not include such fees as orientation, library fees, yearbook, refrigerator rental, voice messaging, etc.  Click here for details about mandatory fees.

Housing and Food: All students have a housing and food allowance regardless of their living arrangement.  This amount is not what students will be billed, but it is the budgeted amount to allow students the ability to receive aid for those expenses. Fall/Spring budgets use a 9 month housing/food allowance.

Per Credit Hour: If resident students enroll for fewer than 15 credits, tuition will be charged on a per-credit-hour basis at $613 per credit.  For non-residents, if students enroll for fewer than 15 credits, tuition will be charged at $1,386 per credit. Students registered for 19.5 and higher credit hours will be charged an additional per credit fee of $613 for resident students and $1,386 for non-resident students.

If a student enrolls for fewer than 4.0 credits in the fall/spring semester, all fees will be optional except technology fee.  In the summer semester, students will be charged for all summer mandatory fees regardless of the number of credit hours enrolled.  Please view the Tuition and Fee schedule for charges based on term and enrollment. At less than six credit hours, you may not be eligible for all types of financial aid. 

Books and supplies and miscellaneous personal expenses are also based on current surveys of students and represent average expenses.

Notify the Financial Aid Office in writing to request a review if you anticipate expenses different than the Mines allowances. Submit an estimated budget to support the review.

Field Session/Summer Semester 2024 cost for Colorado residents tuition is $613 per credit hour; cost for non-resident tuition is $1,386 per credit hour.

2023-2024 Undergraduate Colorado Resident

2023-2024 Cost of Attendance: Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
TotalThis is the "full" price, before any aid and includes all budget items listed below.$42,062$40,697
Estimated Direct Expenses
This is the cost the school charges for instruction. This number is for 15-19 credits.
Mandatory fees help fund student clubs, organizations, and the student recreation center. This fee covers your unlimited access to the gym, fitness classes, and student organization events.
Housing/Food Allowance
For on-campus students, this allowance represents a double dorm room and an average meal plan. For off-campus students, this is an average amount for the 9 month school year.
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books, Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
This out-of-pocket expense can vary depending on the classes the student takes.
Personal Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense covers things like entertainment, clothes, and other personal items.
Transportation Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense is for transportation to/from campus and costs to travel once on campus.
Loan Fees
This represents the origination fee federal student loans charge.
Per Credit Hour$613 (after COF)

2023-2024 Undergraduate Non-Resident

2023-2024 Cost of Attendance: Non-Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
TotalThis is the "full" price, before any aid and includes all budget items listed below.$65,252$63,887
Estimated Direct Expenses
This is the cost the school charges for instruction. This number is for 15-19 credits.
Mandatory fees help fund student clubs, organizations, and the student recreation center. This fee covers your unlimited access to the gym, fitness classes, and student organization events.
Housing/Food Allowance
For on-campus students, this allowance represents a double dorm room and an average meal plan. For off-campus students, this is an average amount for the 9 month school year.
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books, Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
This out-of-pocket expense can vary depending on the classes the student takes.
Personal Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense covers things like entertainment, clothes, and other personal items.
Transportation Allowance
This out-of-pocket expense is for transportation to/from campus and costs to travel once on campus.
Loan Fees
This represents the origination fee federal student loans charge.
Per Credit Hour$1,386

2022-2023 Undergraduate Colorado Resident

2022-2023 Cost of Attendance: Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
Estimated Direct Expenses
Room/Meal Allowance$16,110$12,015
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books and Supplies$1,500$1,500
Personal Allowance$1,229$1,665
Transportation Allowance$650$1,400
Loan Fees$56$56
Per Credit Hour$584

2022-2023 Undergraduate Non-Resident

2022-2023 Cost of Attendance: Non-Resident Undergraduates

On CampusOff Campus
Estimated Direct Expenses
Room/Meal Allowance$16,110$12,015
Estimated Indirect Expenses
Books and Supplies$1,500$1,500
Personal Allowance$1,229$1,665
Transportation Allowance$650$1,400
Loan Fees$56$56
Per Credit Hour$1,320
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More Information

For billing issues contact: Bursar's Office 303-273-3158

For health insurance waivers contact: Student Health Insurance 303-273-3388

For College Opportunity Fund contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200

For information on Veteran Affairs contact: Registrar's Office 303-273-3200

Contact Info

Mailing address:
Colorado School of Mines
Financial Aid Office
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Office Location:
Ben Parker Student Center, E160
1200 16th St
Golden, CO 80401 

Walk-In Hours:
Monday through Friday
9am - 4pm

Toll-free: 1-888-446-9489

For scholarship questions, email scholarship@mines.edu

Request an appointment